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卢春明Ph.D.   语言交流与社会互动的认知神经机制










2008年9月-2013年9月: 北京师范大学认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室,讲师









1. 教学过程中师生互动的认知预测神经机制研究(2020.1~2023.12),国家自然科学基金面上项目(61977008),52万,在研

2. 听觉言语加工的神经机制(2017.1~2019.12),国家“万人计划”青年拔尖人才支持计划,60万,结题。

3. 人际交流及其障碍的脑活动同步机制(2017.1~2019.12),国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(31622030),130万,结题。

4. 基于多人脑扫描技术的对话语言研究(2014.5~2017.12),国家自然科学基金国际合作与交流项目(31411130158),8.1万,结题

5. 发展与学习对发展性口吃者脑可塑性的影响研究(2013~2016),国家自然科学基金面上项目(31270023),80万,结题

6. 发音运动学习对发展性口吃者异常神经网络重组的脑成像研究 (2010.1~2012.12),国家自然科学基金,青年科学基金项目(30900393),20万,结题

7. 教学过程中师生互动的脑活动同步机制研究(2017-2019),中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金优秀青年人才项目(2017EYT32),45万,结题。


1. Long Y, Chen C, Wu K, Zhou S, Zhou F, Zheng L, Zhao H, Zhai Y, Lu C. (in press). Interpersonal conflict increases interpersonal neural synchronization in romantic couples. Cerebral Cortex.

2. Zhou S, Long Y, Lu C. (2021). Measurement of the Directional Information Flow in fNIRS-Hyperscanning Data using the Partial Wavelet Transform Coherence Method. J. Vis. Exp. (175), e62927, doi:10.3791/62927.

3. Zhao H, Cheng T, Zhai Y, Long Y, Wang Y, Lu C. (2021). How Mother–Child Interactions are Associated with a Child’s Compliance. Cerebral Cortex, 2021;31: 4398–4410

4. Jiang J, Zheng L, Lu C. (2021). A hierarchical model for interpersonal verbal communication. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 16:246-255.

5. Long Y, Zheng L, Zhao H, Zhou S, Zhai Y, Lu C (2021) Interpersonal Neural Synchronization during Interpersonal Touch Underlies Affiliative Pair Bonding between Romantic Couples. Cerebral Cortex, 31:1647-1659.

6. Zheng L, Liu W, Long Y, Zhai Y, Zhao H, Bai X, Zhou S, Li K, Zhang H, Liu L, Guo T, Ding G, Lu C (2020) Affiliative bonding between teachers and students through interpersonal synchronisation in brain activity. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 15:97-109.

7. Liu W, Branigan HP, Zheng L, Long Y, Bai X, Li K, Zhao H, Zhou S, Pickering MJ, Lu C (2019b) Shared neural representations of syntax during online dyadic communication. NeuroImage 198:63-72.

8. Dai B, Chen C, Long Y, Zheng L, Zhao H, Bai X, Liu W, Zhang Y, Liu L, Guo T, Ding G, Lu C (2018) Neural mechanisms for selectively tuning in to the target speaker in a naturalistic noisy situation. Nature Communications 9:2405.

9. Zheng L, Chen C, Liu W, Long Y, Zhao H, Bai X, Zhang Z, Han Z, Liu L, Guo T, Chen B, Ding G, Lu C (2018) Enhancement of teaching outcome through neural prediction of the students' knowledge state. Human Brain Mapping 39:3046-3057.

10. Zhou S, Chen S, Wang S, Zhao Q, Zhou Z, Lu C (2018) Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Neural Activity Associated with Information Selection in Open-ended Creativity. Neuroscience 371:268-276.

11. Lu C, Zheng L, Long Y, Yan Q, Ding G, Liu L, Peng D, Howell P (2017) Reorganization of brain function after a short-term behavioral intervention for stuttering. Brain Lang 168:12-22.

12. Lu C, Long Y, Zheng L, Shi G, Liu L, Ding G, Howell P (2016a) Relationship between Speech Production and Perception in People Who Stutter. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:224.

13. Lu C, Qi Z, Harris A, Weil LW, Han M, Halverson K, Perrachione TK, Kjelgaard M, Wexler K, Tager-Flusberg H, Gabrieli JD (2016b) Shared neuroanatomical substrates of impaired phonological working memory across reading disability and autism. Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging 1:169-177.

14. Jiang J, Chen C, Dai B, Shi G, Ding G, Liu L, Lu C (2015) Leader emergence through interpersonal neural synchronization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112:4274-4279.

15. Yang Y, Dai B, Howell P, Wang X, Li K, Lu C (2014) White and grey matter changes in the language network during healthy aging. PloS one 9:e108077.

16. Lu C, Chen C, Peng D, You W, Zhang X, Ding G, Deng X, Yan Q, Howell P (2012) Neural anomaly and reorganization in speakers who stutter: a short-term intervention study. Neurology 79:625-632.

17. Jiang J, Lu C, Peng D, Zhu C, Howell P (2012a) Classification of types of stuttering symptoms based on brain activity. PloS one 7:e39747.

18. Jiang J, Dai B, Peng D, Zhu C, Liu L, Lu C (2012b) Neural synchronization during face-to-face communication. The Journal of Neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 32:16064-16069.

19. Howell P, Jiang J, Peng D, Lu C (2012a) Neural control of fundamental frequency rise and fall in Mandarin tones. Brain Lang 121:35-46.

20. Howell P, Jiang J, Peng D, Lu C (2012b) Neural control of rising and falling tones in Mandarin speakers who stutter. Brain Lang 123:211-221.