(1) 2003-2008: Ph.D., Experimental Psychology, State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University.
(2) 1999-2003: Bachelor, Education, School of Education, Jilin Normal University.
(1) 2003-2008: Ph.D., Experimental Psychology, State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University.
(2) 1999-2003: Bachelor, Education, School of Education, Jilin Normal University.
(1) 2019- : Deputy director, Professor, PI, IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Beijing Normal University
(2) 2017- : Professor, PI, State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University
(3) 2014-2015: Visiting Scientist at John Gabrieli’s Lab, McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
(4) 2013-2017: Associate Professor, PI, State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University
(5) 2008-2012: Assistant Professor, State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University
Social Service:
(1) Communication committee member, International Society for fNIRS, 2015-present
(2) Secretary-general, Society for the Neurobiology of Cognition, Chinese Neuroscience Society, 2019-present
(3) Committee member, Society for Brain and Educational Science, Chinese Society of Education, 2015-present
Human beings are social animals involved in complex social interactions. During the long evolutionary history of human beings, language has been co-evolving with our social brains and playing a major role in social communication. The study of our group focus on the neurocognitive mechanism of language communication and social interaction. We aim to understand the dynamic temporal process and the hierarchical cognitive and dual-brain cortical architectures that support social interaction. We have special interest in social learning and group collaboration based on verbal and nonverbal communication. Various techniques are employed in our studies including functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), electroencephalogram (EEG), eye-tracking, etc.. The ultimate goal of our research is to provide insight into and facilitate practical application of neuroscientific findings in the naturalistic contexts such as group collaboration, classroom teaching, and parent-child interaction, etc..
Research Grants:
(1) The neurocognitive mechanism of cognitive prediction between teachers and students during a social interaction (2020-2023), National Nature Science Foundation of China, PI, 52 000¥
(2) Neural mechanism of auditory speech processing (2017-2019), Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, PI, 600 000¥.
(3) Interpersonal neural synchronization during typical and atypical communication (2017-2019). National Natural Science Foundation for Outstanding Young Scholars of China, PI, 1 300 000¥.
(4) Neural mechanism of interpersonal language communication (2017-2019). Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, PI, 450 000¥.
(5) Study on dialogue language based on hyperscanning methods (2014-2017). National Nature Science Foundation of China, PI, 81 000¥.
(6) Influence of neural development and learning on brain plasticity in people who stutter. (2013-2016), National Nature Science Foundation of China, PI, 800 000¥.
(7) Effect of articulation learning on the reorganization of abnormal neural networks in developmental stuttering (2010-2012). National Nature Science Foundation of China, PI, 200 000¥.
1. Long Y, Chen C, Wu K, Zhou S, Zhou F, Zheng L, Zhao H, Zhai Y, Lu C. (in press). Interpersonal conflict increases interpersonal neural synchronization in romantic couples. Cerebral Cortex.
2. Zhou S, Long Y, Lu C. (2021). Measurement of the Directional Information Flow in fNIRS-Hyperscanning Data using the Partial Wavelet Transform Coherence Method. J. Vis. Exp. (175), e62927, doi:10.3791/62927.
3. Zhao H, Cheng T, Zhai Y, Long Y, Wang Y, Lu C. (2021). How Mother–Child Interactions are Associated with a Child’s Compliance. Cerebral Cortex, 2021;31: 4398–4410
4. Jiang J, Zheng L, Lu C. (2021). A hierarchical model for interpersonal verbal communication. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 16:246-255.
5. Long Y, Zheng L, Zhao H, Zhou S, Zhai Y, Lu C (2021) Interpersonal Neural Synchronization during Interpersonal Touch Underlies Affiliative Pair Bonding between Romantic Couples. Cerebral Cortex, 31:1647-1659.
6. Zheng L, Liu W, Long Y, Zhai Y, Zhao H, Bai X, Zhou S, Li K, Zhang H, Liu L, Guo T, Ding G, Lu C (2020) Affiliative bonding between teachers and students through interpersonal synchronisation in brain activity. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 15:97-109.
7. Liu W, Branigan HP, Zheng L, Long Y, Bai X, Li K, Zhao H, Zhou S, Pickering MJ, Lu C (2019b) Shared neural representations of syntax during online dyadic communication. NeuroImage 198:63-72.
8. Dai B, Chen C, Long Y, Zheng L, Zhao H, Bai X, Liu W, Zhang Y, Liu L, Guo T, Ding G, Lu C (2018) Neural mechanisms for selectively tuning in to the target speaker in a naturalistic noisy situation. Nature Communications 9:2405.
9. Zheng L, Chen C, Liu W, Long Y, Zhao H, Bai X, Zhang Z, Han Z, Liu L, Guo T, Chen B, Ding G, Lu C (2018) Enhancement of teaching outcome through neural prediction of the students' knowledge state. Human Brain Mapping 39:3046-3057.
10. Zhou S, Chen S, Wang S, Zhao Q, Zhou Z, Lu C (2018) Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Neural Activity Associated with Information Selection in Open-ended Creativity. Neuroscience 371:268-276.
11. Lu C, Zheng L, Long Y, Yan Q, Ding G, Liu L, Peng D, Howell P (2017) Reorganization of brain function after a short-term behavioral intervention for stuttering. Brain Lang 168:12-22.
12. Lu C, Long Y, Zheng L, Shi G, Liu L, Ding G, Howell P (2016a) Relationship between Speech Production and Perception in People Who Stutter. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:224.
13. Lu C, Qi Z, Harris A, Weil LW, Han M, Halverson K, Perrachione TK, Kjelgaard M, Wexler K, Tager-Flusberg H, Gabrieli JD (2016b) Shared neuroanatomical substrates of impaired phonological working memory across reading disability and autism. Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging 1:169-177.
14. Jiang J, Chen C, Dai B, Shi G, Ding G, Liu L, Lu C (2015) Leader emergence through interpersonal neural synchronization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112:4274-4279.
15. Yang Y, Dai B, Howell P, Wang X, Li K, Lu C (2014) White and grey matter changes in the language network during healthy aging. PloS one 9:e108077.
16. Lu C, Chen C, Peng D, You W, Zhang X, Ding G, Deng X, Yan Q, Howell P (2012) Neural anomaly and reorganization in speakers who stutter: a short-term intervention study. Neurology 79:625-632.
17. Jiang J, Lu C, Peng D, Zhu C, Howell P (2012a) Classification of types of stuttering symptoms based on brain activity. PloS one 7:e39747.
18. Jiang J, Dai B, Peng D, Zhu C, Liu L, Lu C (2012b) Neural synchronization during face-to-face communication. The Journal of Neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 32:16064-16069.
19. Howell P, Jiang J, Peng D, Lu C (2012a) Neural control of fundamental frequency rise and fall in Mandarin tones. Brain Lang 121:35-46.
20. Howell P, Jiang J, Peng D, Lu C (2012b) Neural control of rising and falling tones in Mandarin speakers who stutter. Brain Lang 123:211-221.